Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First post

Hello. This is my first post, but perhaps you'll also probably guess that this is my first attempt at blogging due to the cliche nature of the post's name. Oh well, no worries, over time, creativity with the titles will improve.
The name of this blog was taken form Robert Anton Wilson's Prometheus Rising, one of my favorite books as of late. (Edit: this blog was initially named "What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves"). For those of you who aren't familiar with the book, suffice it to say (for now) that it has a lot to do with the mind - and thats precisely what I'd like to write about in this blog - 'mindful' matters.
I'm not a psychologist - I actually have a degree in computer sciences which seems somewhat remote to the issues that are to be written about here. Nevertheless, I possess deep interests on issues concerning the mind, and based on experience I've acknowledged that you are what you focus on and what you love to do (just like you are what you eat).
The mind may indeed seem like a broad topic, but due to its broadness, it can therefore be expanded to many different endeavors of life - relationships, spirituality, health, and even music (yes music). But most of all life itself.
All that said, I'm no expert at what I'm to write about, and this really isn't some kind of self help. I'm just a student of life, excited on sharing my views, and hoping that whatever I write on may prove to be of some value to you.

I've faith that I will seek, and henceforth I will find.

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